Portland Oregon Landscaping … Your dream yard, one block at time.


This project in Gresham was done in phases over a year’s time to help the client finance the project.

Spring of 2013 we removed the old lawn, reshaped the area, applied fresh top soil and laid the new sod . 

Just prior to laying the new sod irrigation pipes were laid into trenches and a new irrigation system was installed.

The next phase was the paver walk way which was put in during the summer of 2013. The large stone steps leading to the new deck were installed at the same time as the new deck was built in the late fall of 2013. Accent boulders and fresh bark were applied to complete the look.


Early this winter we installed the latest innovation in night lighting, LED lights. These were scattered throughout the landscape to hi-light landscape features as well as to improve the visibility and safety of the clients outdoor living space.

Completing these projects over a year’s time allowed for the client to get what they wanted in such a way that they were able to afford the expense, as it was drawn out over time using a phased technique. 

At Exstream Landscaping we offer the ability to complete projects whether they be massive or relatively small in scope over any amount of time needed for the customer to comfortably afford and enjoy their new outdoor living space!

Portland, OR Landscape Pruning Trimming basics explained by the Exstream Experts!

Late fall and winter are the best time to trim and prune your landscape plants. This time of year most plants are dormant and aren’t putting on new growth. Also, the leaves have come off of deciduous plants exposing the almost skeletal structure of the branches, allowing you to see more clearly the overall growth pattern and configuration of the plant. 

rose trimmingArmed with your pruning sheers ( small hand held ones work the best and can be had for a small price at almost any outdoor store.) The very first thing you’ll want to do is to cut off any dead limbs or small branches. Then going from bottom to top cutting at a 45 degree angle you’ll want to cut off any obvious branches or small limbs that look out of place or are shooting straight up into the air. Next you’ll need to cut off any small branches that cross over other branches. Pick the sturdiest, healthiest looking branches that appear to be going into the overall direction that you want your tree or plant to go in and cut off any cross crossing branching structures that aren’t growing in the direction you’re wanting. After these steps are completed step back and take a look at the plant and assess what still needs to be trimmed. 

Then get back in there and trim some more!

Just performing these small trimming tasks your plant will be thinned significantly while also being healthier and looking better when the spring growth spurts come on in March. Don’t be afraid to cut off a limb or a branch, your plant will be just fine! And when spring does come and your plant is looking too full or isn’t growing in the direction you desire feel free to trim it again, just know that in spring you’ll be trimming often as this is the time of growth. 

After trimming


Happy pruning!

Portland Leaf Relief: Fall leaves making a mess of your landscape?


Fall leaves making a mess of your landscape?

Here in the Northwest we have one of the largest tree canopies of any mid-sized city in the nation. Portland boasts a 30% tree canopy covering our city. While this makes our air cleaner, our city more attractive and our fall colors absolutely gorgeous it also makes for one big mess come fall. If leaves are left unattended they clog the rain drains causing flooding, as well as causing dead lawns, clogged rain gutters, damaged roofs and slimy decks and walk-ways.

Though it's not always fun, and it will take more than once, it's advisable to rake or blow your leaves into piles for disposal. The City offers pick-up in some neighborhoods and everyone in the Portland area has a FREE lawn debris can. Additionally this is the time of year that you’ll want to cut back your perennials, as well as trimming your trees, shrubs and rose bushes. Fall is a great time to really see the branch structure of your trees and shrubs so they can be shaped and manicured to your tastes and the size of your landscape.

You’ll also want to aerate and thatch your lawn this time of year. Over seeding is best done during the fall as well. Make sure to finish up winterizing your lawn with a Fall fertilizer, this will ensure stronger, deeper roots for winter so that you’ll see a thicker, greener lawn next spring. Most of the winterizing fertilizers sold in our area will contain lime or another ph balancing chemical to help combat our acidic soils, however, the addition of lime to your fall lawn regimen is also a good idea.

The addition of mulch or bark dust to your bed areas is also a good idea in fall. Not only does it brighten your landscape but it offers protection from freezing for tender perennials and shrubs as well as deterring unwanted plant and weed growth.

Don’t forget to turn off your irrigation system for the winter as well as blowing out your system. This is an absolute must, to prevent costly winter freezing breakage and possible flooding. Lastly, turning off outside faucets and hose bibs from the inside of the home can help to prevent freezing of the pipes as well as unwanted winter usage of outdoor faucets. The installation of inexpensive bib covers, that can be purchased at any hardware store and even some grocery stores is a good idea to prevent freezing as well.

Now that your yard is winterized and the hatches are battened down it’s time to enjoy the blustery Northwest Winter and plan for your spring landscaping!

Awesome Portland Oregon Lawns start RIGHT NOW


Want a lush beautiful lawn like this? Now is the time to plant it! Have you noticed all of the fall commercials for turf builder, seed and fertilizer? Well the reason for them is that Fall and Spring are the two very best times of year to plant, fertilize or refurbish your lawn. The cooler weather and consistent rains make the growing environment perfect for new lawns and seed. 

At Exstream Landscaping we can aerate, thatch, over seed, adjust for PH and fertilize your existing lawn for a fuller more vibrant lawn this spring, Or we can remove the existing lawn, grade for proper drainage, apply new loamy top soils and re-seed complete with fertilizer and adjustments for soil PH.

But if it’s instant perfect turf you’re looking for we can remove the old grass, grade for drainage, apply top soil and roll on brand new lush green sod and voila! instant perfect lawn! This month is the optimum time to get a new yard in so call us (503-654-1953) soon to get on the schedule before the winter frosts!

Get your heads set for winter, people! Sprinkler heads that is…

SPRINKLERHEADSSprinkler System winterization is a must for all areas that have the possibility of freezing. Because sprinkler systems are buried fairly shallowly they’re prone to freezing the water left inside the pipes which expands and can cause them to rupture. Winterization of your irrigation system prevents costly breakage of underground pipes, fittings and the sprinkler heads themselves. This breakage can cost you not only in regards to your irrigation system itself but additionally for flood damage to your property as well as one heck of a high water bill if you have an unknown underground break!

At Exstream Landscaping we set appointments, come to your home, inspect your entire system from heads to valves to controllers when then blow out your entire system with forced pressurized air and turn it off for the winter months. As soon as all hints of frost have past in the spring we return and recharge your system, again inspecting the entire appliance from stem to stern, resetting the controller and running your system in all zones to make sure it’s working properly all summer long! Give us a call today at 503-654-1953 to get your appointment before the first freeze and the possible hard freeze this winter!


Fall is the best time to plant!

Fall is the best time to plant.. I know it doesn’t seem like the most likely time to get out and garden, but the cooler weather and damper air in the Northwest makes for the perfect time to plant, especially trees and shrubs. An added benefit of this time of year is that most growers are able to dig the larger specimens when the cooler weather comes on, making for more available variety and larger sizes for your yard. During the summer months its too hot and dry for most growers to dig plant materials so that gorgeous shade tree you wanted in August just wasn’t available, but it is NOW!

The range of trees and shrubs is at its highest point and with the gorgeous fall colors coming on now is the time the plant! 

Here are just a few of the best fall color trees and shrubs for our area.


Pink flowering Dogwood. This tree has gorgeous large bright pink flowers in the spring accompanied by bright lime green foliage which turns to a showy Russet orange in the fall. Excellent for shade these trees do very well in our climate and are inexpensive as well as staying a nice size for the garden.


Euonymus or Burning bush is a lovely shrub that can be planted as a specimen plant, in groupings or as thick deciduous hedge.


They can be trimmed into shapes or let go for a free flowing natural look. They have a bright green leaf in the spring with bright red berries with the leaves turning to a deep red and then finally an almost Hot pink making them appear to be ‘on fire’ thus the name burning bush. They perform excellently in the Northwest’s cooler wetter climates and are very manageable in our landscapes.





Ginko Biloba or Maiden hair tree is another plant tree for excellent fall color. The Ginko has spectacular golden fall color and interest leaf different from any other tree type. 


They do well in our area and aren’t all that prevalent so they make for a unique and interesting addition to the landscape.







Liquidambar styraciflua or American Sweet gum is THE premiere choice for fall color. Often seen as street tree the sweet Gum has amazingly vibrant and varied fall color. Ranging from bright orange to red to an almost glowing pink the sweet gum is perfect for the garden.

SweetGum2Growing in a fastigate or upright form, this tree is easy to fit into a tighter space, as well is being perfectly suited for our weather. The American Sweet gum can be used as a specimen tree alongside evergreens, making this color really pop or in grouping, along a driveway or as seen here planted en mass as lining a Sherwood Neighborhood.






Maples come in a HUGE variety of sizes colors and forms, all with their own unique aspects to recommend them, this tree though is THE most spectacular of the maples for fall color. The Acer Palmatum ‘Sango Kaku’ or Coral bark Maple is a deciduous tree native to Japan that is fairly small in stature, growing to a maximum height of 20 feet over a very long period of time. The palm like leaves give this tree a lacey airy look but the most spectacular aspect of this tree is the bark which in young specimens is bright reddish coral color giving it it’s name of ‘Coral bark’ maple. All of the new growth throughout the trees life with present as bright red color giving the tree interest in every season. But the best season for this tree is by far and away fall. All of the fall colors are represented in this one tree, from Bright glowing yellows to oranges and radiant reds and pinks this tree encompasses everything we love about fall. Used mostly as a specimen tree this tree can also be planted en mass to create a spectacular display of natures best!



Nandina Domesica also known as Heavenly bamboo or just Nandia is a shrub that is used often here in the Northwest. With its bamboo like leaves and low slow growing habit these plants are often used as a hedge or planted in groupings of three or more. When used against evergreens and with accent boulders these shrubs really put on a s how of fall color! With bright red berries and colors ranging from dark green to gold, to Bright red Nandina is one of the Northwest’s best!

Hey Portland! Your Porch, Patio or Yard say more than you think!

Wanna to know the secret to a great landscape? Look at everybody's elses for ideas. Tour any neighborhood in the Portland, OR metro area and take some time to REALLY notice the porches, patios and yards. Yes, some are a mess but you'd be surprised by how many people are really taking the time to get their yard looking its best.

Look at the colors.
Do they complement and compliment each other? Are they loud and garish, or soft and earthy. Do the natural colors blend and lend to relaxation, party time!, or simply look accidental?

Check out the lines.
Look at the hard and soft lines. Do they flow together and lead the eye harmoniously, or are they angular, misshapen or broken. Walls, fences, walkways and the materials used to create these can really add or subtract fromHOME...1920...baber-path the overall lines of a landscape.

Read the Greens
Foliage says a lot about a landscape. Are they accidental or on purpose. Do they frame the space, define it or detract. Utilitarian foliage is key. Can you eat it? Does it all make sense.

Rate the space
Was the landscape memorable? Was it inviting or forgettable?

These should help you get started for more ideas check out our web site at Superior Landscaping Services in Portland web site at http://exstreamlandscaping.com/.


Let your imagination grow, Portland! Your landscape will thank you!

HOME...1920...Mature-landscapeWhen planning your new landscape, think ahead. 

What will it look like next year, in 5 years, 10? 

As your landscape grows and matures, you'll begin to notice how well the colors blend, how the birds and bees enjoy your setting. It's a patchwork that requires careful thought and planning. And the up side is, if you no longer like something you can either move it, replace or cover it up with something else.

Established gardens have their own character. They take time but are well worth it!

This home in NW Portland was going for a Thomas Kinkade cottage style look with an abundance of color, texture and fullness.

To achieve this look we planted a variety of shrubbery, perennials and both deciduous and evergreen plantings including trees. We kept the planting space close together with larger plantings toward the back and interspersed with medium and smaller plantings through out. This helped to frame the structural elements in the garden. Additionally, both natural stone and manufactured stone pavers were used to create intimate flagstone patios, crushed stone pathways, split basalt retaining walls and a cobble stone courtyard, giving the yard a hidden garden appeal. See more pictures, here!