Let your imagination grow, Portland! Your landscape will thank you!

HOME...1920...Mature-landscapeWhen planning your new landscape, think ahead. 

What will it look like next year, in 5 years, 10? 

As your landscape grows and matures, you'll begin to notice how well the colors blend, how the birds and bees enjoy your setting. It's a patchwork that requires careful thought and planning. And the up side is, if you no longer like something you can either move it, replace or cover it up with something else.

Established gardens have their own character. They take time but are well worth it!

This home in NW Portland was going for a Thomas Kinkade cottage style look with an abundance of color, texture and fullness.

To achieve this look we planted a variety of shrubbery, perennials and both deciduous and evergreen plantings including trees. We kept the planting space close together with larger plantings toward the back and interspersed with medium and smaller plantings through out. This helped to frame the structural elements in the garden. Additionally, both natural stone and manufactured stone pavers were used to create intimate flagstone patios, crushed stone pathways, split basalt retaining walls and a cobble stone courtyard, giving the yard a hidden garden appeal. See more pictures, here!