Hey Portland, Grow food NOT Lawns!


“Grow food not lawns” is the new mantra for the Portland area. The planter box is a great way to do just that! Whether you have just a couple boxes gracing your front lawn or an entire backyard plot like this client in North Portland, the planter box is all the rage this year in our area.

Keeping vegetables and flowers contained and relatively pest free the planter box is much more convenient and easy to use than traditional garden rows planted directly in the soil. Soil amendments and the soil itself can be tailored much more easily in a planter box.

For instance carrots and root vegetables require a looser sandy soil to produce a larger healthy root vegetable. Conversely tomatoes need a more acidic loamy soil with good drainage that has more organic matter present to turn out an award winning juicy tomato! Using separate boxes the soil types and amounts can be tailored to that specific vegetables optimal needs. 

Furthermore the specific watering needs can also be more readily tailored. As well as locations with more exposure to sun for longer periods or for shorter periods of time as the specific vegetable, fruit or flower requires are easier to customize. Virtually any area, whether it be a small apartment or an estate sizes yard can be custom fitted to your specific needs and desires with the addition of these boxes.

PLANTERBOXES2Contact Pat at Exstream Landscaping for a free consultation and get started on your way to feeding your family this summer!