Landscaping in Portland, Oregon : Tough Choices – HUGE Rewards

It's not easy making decisions about HOW you want to decorate your yard.

Landscaping involves some tough choices but the rewards are endless…IF you know exactly what you want and how you want to do it. Lucky you, if that's the case.

But. What if you DON'T know exactly what you want?. Maybe you have an idea, a theme perhaps? Maybe you don't even have that? Then what? Call the pros at Exstream Landscaping at (503) 654-1953, that's what! We'll work with you. Discuss your goals, talk about your likes and dislikes, and help you plan a space that you love.

Think of your yard as a canvas, you're the artist and Exstream is the paint brush! We provide the tools, materials, muscle, design, experience, and know-how to help you get the most of your space.

Here are some great BEFORE/AFTER shots demonstrating how we can take your simple yard, a couple great ideas and transform them a reality that you can enjoy every day!